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It's been a minute

If you know me, you are probably either judging me silently (thank you) or thinking I am a nut. I started a new job, adopted a rescue mutt (not derogatory for Gen Xers), and started my own LLC, pretty much simultaneously. But, really, what was I thinking? Truth: I wasn't just thinking, but going on instinct. I'm turning 54 this year and I've accepted that I have less years left in this dimension than I've lived. Why on earth would I keep waiting to design my life? Okay, I wasn't counting on my pup weighing nine times what all my previous dogs weighed nor was I completely ready for teaching 6 instead of 5 classes, and not to mention all the feelings of ineptitude that would surface as I navigate the "business" world. BUT, alas! I've leaned into my resiliency, I've asked for help, I've (mostly) not avoided my feelings, and like that, I reinvented myself.

I refuse to stop now. This is only the beginning but I won't succumb to holding myself to ridiculous and unattainable standards. I won't fall for the constant upkeep of social media postings. I normalize speaking when I am moved to do so and not to be on a schedule. I refuse to use filters on my images. I want you to see me. That's another way I've reinvented myself. I don't have a poker face (thank God), and I will never again dye my white hair. I have earned the right to do all these things just by my existence. I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself. This is the Chapter 3 I've been waiting for my whole life. I am in no rush and I will not waste a precious second of living it.

This is me. This is my life. On my terms.

When will it also be YOU on YOURS?

It's good to write again. Glad you read this.

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